Monday, May 30, 2011

Fifi O'Neill Book Signing at Uniquely Chic Floral and Home

Romantic Prairie Style by Fifi O'Neill • Photos Mark Lohman
I have been wanting to make an announcement for months & months here at Uniquely Chic Floral and Home...  Can you feel the happiness?  

Please say yes!!!

From Romantic Prairie Style by Fifi O'Neill • Photo:  Mark Lohman

It's finally time and I'm thrilled!

Wonderful plans have been made for Fifi O'Neill to come to my store, Uniquely Chic Floral and Home here in Healdsburg in Wine Country.

Sweet Fifi, YOU are a doll!  Thank you, Fifi for your kindness!!!

 This is truly what happens when friends 
introduce friends...
Great things are in the works!

I will be holding an extraordinary event in which Fifi will be signing her book, the beautiful, Romantic Prairie Style come this July 13th starting at 5:00 p.m.

Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 13th to meet sweet Fifi and have her sign your Romantic Prairie Style book at the store here in Healdsburg, California.

Of course, more details to come.... rest assured, much fun and laughter!

xoxo, Barbara

I know Tracie will be there and Delores too, will you?


Kathysue said...

I came over via Delores's blog Vignette designs. So glad to meet you and to see your new blog. Your store looks amazing. I hope to visit it someday soon!!! How exciting to have Fifi for a book signing!!! How fun. Welcome to blogland, it is a wonderful place full of like minded people that are soooo generous in spirit!! Kathysue

Marlis said...

So glad I found your blog via Delores! Good luck and may the blogging friendships abound. Great photos! I'd be there if I could, but alas, Texas is a might far away!

YONKS said...

Oh, I would love to be there for that and would also love to visit your store. It's a bit far to go from the UK but if I am ever in your neck of the woods, I will pop in and say hi. I do hope your book signing goes as well as I am sure it will! I am glad you have started a blog, I will follow!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Barbara, I just found you from Tracie's blog, love the look of your shop, and I'm looking forward to folllowing along! My favorite idea for a shop is flowers and flea market. xo Debra

Allison said...

Barbara, your shop is gorgeous. I am eyeing sevreal items I must come take a look at! I found you through Delores. I am marking my calendar for July 13th and would love to come that evening .

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY! Can't wait, I live in the San Joaquin Valley...about 2 1/2 hours away, but my niece lives in Napa. I wouldn't miss it! I will look forward to more info, Marcia

Burlap Luxe said...

Congrats girl you will have a blast I am sure of that :)

Your shop looks fabulous!!

blessings said...

So excited for you. She just left our area (book signing at the Na-Da Farm) and we had a wonderful time with Fifi and Mark. Give them big hugs from Counting Your Blessings.

Blessings... Polly

Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

I just found your blog and am so happy I did ~
Your shop looks beautiful!!!
